TechZing is an informal bi-weekly chat show aimed at entreprenures and hackers interested in creating their own web app startup. The show is both educational (with practical advice) and conversational.
109: TZ Discussion - SEO Bores Me
February 27, 2011
88.12 MB
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Justin and Jason discuss getting into Forrst, why arguments tend to escalate when conducted via text, Justin's struggle with his Man on a Wire post, the dynamics of CEO compensation, using form tokens to prevent CSRF attacks, the possibility of moving Pluggio to the enterprise, Justin's surprising experience with Facebook adds, whether Jason should get an iPhone or an Android phone, spooky experiments that see the future, the impact of technology on political freedom, how Jason is teaching his 6-year old son HTML, server and client-side HTML rendering, migrating off Google App Engine and building a workflow engine in Appignite.