.NET Rocks! is an Internet Audio Talk Show for Microsoft .NET Developers.
Automating Deployment with Papadimoulis and Kuemerle
August 07, 2013
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Carl and Richard talk to Joe Kuermerle and Alex Papadimoulis about automating deployment as the path to a DevOps world. The conversation starts out talking about the real impact of DevOps, bringing developers and operations folks closer together. A key part of the process is to automate everything you can, including deployment. Part of the conversation is BuildMaster, which is free for up to five seats, providing the glue to get automated deployment working effectively. You need the process and culture to have DevOps make sense, and then good tools can accelerate the process. This is the future of application development! Don't forget to activate your MSDN Azure account and be automatically entered to win an Aston Martin V8 Vantage!