.NET Rocks! is an Internet Audio Talk Show for Microsoft .NET Developers.
Development Practices at Oredev
December 07, 2011
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Another set of stories from Oredev, this time around development practices. The first interview is with Dan North, where he discusses how development teams can move beyond just being able to ship software into something he calls hyper-productivity. He talks about teams that ship software twenty times a day! Next up, Jean Tabaka talks about how RallyDev uses Agile practices to make the entire company Agile. At RallyDev every person is involved in planning out the vision of the company quarter to quarter, from developer to executive. Finally, Gary Short digs into the challenges of technical debt - the idea that shortcuts in code increase the cost of development in the long term. Sometimes debt make sense, getting more features shipped in less time. But eventually the debt has to be repaid or the project goes bankrupt, unable to ship new features and ultimately cancelled.