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043: Teaching Elm with Richard Feldman
November 08, 2021
76.87 MB
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- Richard Feldman (Twitter) (GitHub)
- Richard's Elm book Elm in Action
- Richard's Frontend Masters courses
- Richard's talk Teaching Elm to Beginners
- Find motivation
- Mloc.js conference (by Prezi)
- Pairing as a way to teach Elm
- Intro to Elm Frontend Masters workshop exercises are open source
- South Park therefore/but storytelling technique
- "I like teaching things the wrong way and then showing what's wrong with it."
- The importance of finding good examples
- Training From the Back of the Room
- Dillon's Elm JSON Decoder koans repo
- Gradual release of responsibility technique
- Brian's JSON Survival Kit book
- NoRedInk jobs (looking for Elm and Haskell engineers)
- Richard's Frontend Masters advanced Elm course and Elm intro course