Tune in to the tools and techniques in the Elm ecosystem.
041: elm-markdown
- Markdown was built to be friendly to humans more than parsers. Example of a markdown quirk for human-friendliness: numbered lists starting with
interrupt paragrpahs, starting with other numbers don't - Babelmark helps compare output of different markdown implementations
- Some parts of the markdown spec are ambiguous
- John Gruber created markdown (Daring Fireball)
- Jeff Atwood pushed for CommonMark spec
- CommonMark
- GitHub-Flavored Markdown (gfm) is a superset of CommonMark (Auto-links, Todo syntax, tables, etc.)
- Bear notes app (Mac only)
's Core Tools for Extensibility
Html handlers (example)
Transforming parsed Markdown Blocks (AST)
incrementalelm.com code for getting back references from parsed markdown
Extracting table of contents example
Discussion to formalize HTML parsing and error handling spec in
Example of unintuitive raw HTML tag handling in markdown:
closed by whitespace (ignores closing tag)Wikilinks
Matthew Griffith's
packageMatt's Oslo talk on fault tolerant parsing A Markup for the Statically Typed
Render to a function (example)
Markdown announcement blog post Extensible Markdown Parsing in Pure Elm
channel in The Elm SlackExample of extracting title and description from parsed markdown
Submit a talk proposal to the Elm Online Call for Speakers form