This is a podcast focused on connecting user space with the community. We invite you to join us as we explore the many things that impact you, the user. We’ll experiment with the Distros and Desktop Environments that we all love, we’ll discuss the current hardware and technology impacting our lives and we’ll also talk about the different topics affecting the community. All along the way we’ll share stories and anecdotes about our journey through the Linux User Space. Episodes drop every other Monday.
Episode 2:02: No FTP for you!
Coming up in this episode
- We interrupt you for a public service
- Mozilla Watch
- The Tenacity of Audacity
- We make waves with our app
Ubuntu 20.10 PSA
- Ubuntu (and flavors) 20.10 is EOL July 22nd 2021 Update ASAP to 21.04
Mozilla Watch
- Firefox 90 released
- DNS over HTTPS Now the Default in Canada
- The TRR Program
- Policy clarification
- Debian Bug
- Twitter thread from Hubert Figuière addressing spyware concerns
- Maintainer of Tenacity fork steps down
- arsTechnica article
- Audacity Available as AppImage as of 3.0.3 RC1
Feedback - Security
- Email us
- Open Source Voices
- Discord Server
- Matrix Room
- Support us at Patreon
- Join us on Telegram
- Follow us on Twitter
- Check out Linux User Space on the web
App Focus
Gnome Sound Recorder, kwave
This episode's apps:
Next Time
We discuss topics and Feedback that impact your User Space
Our distro is KaOS
Join us in two weeks when we return to the Linux User Space
Stay tuned on Twitter, Telegram, Matrix, Discord whatever. Join the conversation. Talk to us, and give us more ideas for what’ll go in Season 2.
We would like to acknowledge our top patrons. Thank you for your support!