Three nerds discussing tech, Apple, programming, and loosely related matters.
20: A Box and a Strap
July 05, 2013
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- Apple's Yves Saint Laurent hire and the difficulty in predicting an "iWatch".
- Technological Conservatism.
- Panic's Lightning-to-HDMI-cable discovery.
- Chris Harris on iOS 7 icons.
- "Free-to-play" games.
- Coding for practice, and learning new APIs or languages.
- Overly specialized apps.
- Glympse (Casey's road-trip-tracking app).
- Feed Wrangler by _DavidSmith as a Google Reader replacement that's compatible with Reeder for iPhone.
- Lex Friedman's RSS-sync roundup.
- ReadKit for Mac as a potential NetNewsWire replacement.
- Dr. Drang's branch of Marco's RSS-subscriber-count script.
- Why is OS X version adoption slower than iOS, and could Mavericks be free?
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