PodRocket covers everything you need to know about frontend web development on a weekly basis. Join LogRocket cofounder Ben Edelstein, Director of Content Brian Neville-O'Neill, and PodRocket producer Kate Trahan, as they interview experienced developers about all the libraries, frameworks, and tech industry issues they deal with every day.
How to think like a performance engineer with Harry Roberts
Harry Roberts, Google Developer Expert and web performance consultant, about thinking like a performance engineer. Learn about Core Web Vitals, user journey testing, and practical tips for optimizing website speed and user experience.
Speculation Rules
Containment by tightening up your caching
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LogRocket provides AI-first session replay and analytics that surfaces the UX and technical issues impacting user experiences. Start understand where your users are struggling by trying it for free at [LogRocket.com]. Try LogRocket for free today.(https://logrocket.com/signup/?pdr)
Special Guest: Harry Roberts.