Meeting C++ 2020
October 08, 2020
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Rob and Jason are joined by Jens Weller from Meeting C++. They discuss a blog post on Immediately Invoked Function Expressions, a syntactic sugar library and JeanHeyd Meneid's blog and video about the C++ Community. Then they talk with Jens about the upcoming Meeting C++ conference, on line user groups and job fairs and more.
- Coding Cards
- Technique: Immediately Invoked Function Expression for Metaprogramming
- SugarPP: syntactic 🍬 for programming in C++
- The Community
- Meeting C++ Survey
- Meeting C++ 2020
- Meeting C++ Online
- Burnout - Jens Weller - Meeting C++ 2019 secret lightning talks
- PVS-Studio. Write #cppcast in the message field on the download page and get one month license
- PVS-Studio is now in Compiler Explorer!
- Free PVS-Studio for Students and Teachers