April 17, 2019
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Victor Zverovich is a software engineer at Facebook working on the Thrift RPC framework. Before joining Facebook in 2016, he worked for several years on modeling systems for mathematical optimization. He is an active contributor to open-source projects, an author of the {fmt} library and the ISO proposal P0645 to add a new formatting facility to C++.
- eclipsecon: Docker Container Build/Run/Debug Support for C/C++ Projects
- Professional, zero-cost setup for C++ projects (1 of N)
- In-Editor Documentation for Cmake in Visual Studio
- Understanding when not to std::move in C++
- Announcing CPPP - Paris 2019
Victor Zverovich
- fmt - A modern formatting library
- P0645 - Text Formatting
- P1361 - Integration of chrono with text formatting
- Wanna Play a Detective? Find the Bug in a Function from Midnight Commander
- False Positives in PVS-Studio: How Deep the Rabbit Hole Goes