2.5 Admins is a podcast featuring two sysadmins called Allan Jude and Jim Salter, and a producer/editor who can just about configure a Samba share called Joe Ressington. Every two weeks we get together, talk about recent tech news, and answer some of your admin-related questions.

2.5 Admins 120: Certified Malware

December 08, 2022 31:08 26.25 MB Downloads: 0

Security cameras that aren’t quite as secure as they claim, why it’s difficult to trust software “from Samsung”, getting started with offsite backups, and ZFS on root on Ubuntu.



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the Role of Operating Systems in IoT



Anker’s Eufy lied to us about the security of its security cameras

Samsung’s Android app-signing key has leaked, is being used to sign malware


Free Consulting

We were asked about getting started with offsite backups, and ZFS on root on Ubuntu.






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See our contact page for ways to get in touch.