2.5 Admins is a podcast featuring two sysadmins called Allan Jude and Jim Salter, and a producer/editor who can just about configure a Samba share called Joe Ressington. Every two weeks we get together, talk about recent tech news, and answer some of your admin-related questions.

2.5 Admins 127: Public Why-Fi

January 26, 2023 32:39 27.52 MB Downloads: 0

Why you should still use a VPN with public WiFi, who the new Xeons are aimed at, follow-up on trying to be your own bank, and separating legacy WiFi devices from modern ones.



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OpenZFS: Data Security vs Integrity



Why Public Wi-Fi is a Lot Safer Than You Think

Years late and 36 cores short of AMD, who are Intel’s 4th-gen Xeons even for?


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We were asked about separating legacy WiFi devices from modern ones.






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