2.5 Admins is a podcast featuring two sysadmins called Allan Jude and Jim Salter, and a producer/editor who can just about configure a Samba share called Joe Ressington. Every two weeks we get together, talk about recent tech news, and answer some of your admin-related questions.

2.5 Admins 140: /dev/nullvad

April 27, 2023 32:45 27.61 MB Downloads: 0

How not to practice responsible disclosure, Mulvad proves that its claims stand up, whether to be worried about public phone chargers, an “anti-ransomware” SSD, and monitoring ZFS with Zabbix.



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Comparing Modern Open-Source Storage Solutions: OpenZFS vs. The Rest



Vague warning about an Amazon compromise

Mullvad VPN was subject to a search warrant. Customer data not compromised

Be Skeptical of FBI Warnings About Phone Chargers

Let’s take a closer look at these claims of anti-ransomware SSDs


Free Consulting

We were asked about monitoring ZFS with Zabbix.






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