The Future of Coding podcast features interviews with toolmakers, researchers, computational artists, educators, and engineers, all with compelling viewpoints on what the future of computing could be.
A Case for Feminism in Programming Language Design by Felienne Hermans
In the academic field of programming language research, there are a few prestigious conferences that you must present at to advance in your career. These conferences are rather selective about which presentations they'll accept. If your research work involves proving formal properties about a programming language, you'll have their ear. But if your work looks at, say, the human factors of language design, you might as well not bother applying — and thus, not bother pursuing that work in the first place. Why is the formalistic, systems-focused work elevated, and the human-focused work diminished? And what are the downstream consequences, the self-reinforcing feedback loops that come from this narrow focus?
In this episode we discuss a paper by Felienne Hermans and Ari Schlesinger titled, A case for Feminism in Programming Language Design. It applies the lens of intersectional feminism to reveal a startling lack of "Yes, and…" in academic computer science, where valuable avenues of inquiry are closed off, careers are stifled, and people are unintentionally driven away from contributing to the field, simply because their passions and expertise don't conform to a set of invisible expectations. Through heartbreaking personal anecdotes and extensive supporting references, the paper makes the case that there's a lot of high-value greenfield work to be done, and people who would love to do it — but we will need to collectively identify, understand, and then fix a few broken incentives before it'll happen.
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- Polypad, dubbed the "best piece of education software for smartboards" by published academic Luke Wilson
- Or is it Mathigon? "Looks like a nice Desmos", opines enterprise sales expert Ivan Reese.
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Welcome to the TALK BLOC:
Felienne Hermans at Onward! 2024: A case for Feminism in Programming Language Design
Ivan and Alex Warth at LIVE 2024: Inkling
Lu at LIVE 2024: Arroost
Lu at Onward! 2024: Dialogs on Natural Code
Discovering Your Software Umwelt by Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Allen Wirfs-Brock, and Jordan Wirfs-Brock
A New Cognitive Perspective on Simplicity in System and Product Design by FoC community member and previous bonus episode guest, Stefan Lesser
Redressing the Balance: A Yin-Yang Perspective on Information Technology by FoC community member Konrad Hinsen
Foremost among the contributions to society by Icebergs are their inspiration of the meme
Mary Shaw, previous guest
Zachtronics make some hard puzzle games.
Define Define, a really great video about that.
Oh, you question toxic masculinity, yet you live within the gender binary?
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