Three Rubyists having conversations and interviewing others about Ruby and web development.
Rails Hackathon 2022 & Turbo 7.2 release
[00:01:01] Andrew explains how he had to make a complex data table.
[00:03:27] Chris talks about an entry at Rails Hackathon called “Con[text]” for learning Spanish and English.
[00:05:07] We learn about some of the cool improvements with the new Turbo release.
[00:11:08] Chris tells us everything that went on at Rails Hackathon, and he tells us the winner of the Judges’ Favorite which was Typefighters by Team Rubades.
[00:13:42] Find out more about the Best Solo/Community Favorite award given to Jim Jones’ Checkpoint Rails, and Chris brings up a talk Bret Victor did in 2012 called, “Inventing on Principle.”
[00:19:38] We hear more about the killer submission, Airtable clone by HotTable, which won the “Most Phlex-ible” award.
[00:22:22] The last award Chris explains is the “Kent Believe He Finished” award.
[00:23:20] Andrew asks Chris if he saw any usage of Turbo that he was surprised about and never would have thought to do that.
[00:26:29] Chris explains the support they had for Rails Hackathon and what he wants for the next one.
[00:29:29] Chris tells us how he wants to do Rails Hackathons a couple times a year and things they could do to keep it fun.
[00:34:21] Andrew mentions to Chris for the next Hackathon they should think about adding some categories so when they judge they can do some comparing.
[00:35:25] Without leaking too much info, Andrew announces he started pairing with Nate Hopkins on the weekends again.
Chris Oliver
Andrew Mason
Bret Victor-Inventing on Principle (YouTube)
Destroy All Software (Gary Bernhardt)