273: Freedom vs. Autonomy

December 01, 2023 0:14:31 19.02 MB Downloads: 0

Let's dive headfirst into the crazy world of starting your own business. We're going to chat about how "running your own show" can be freeing, but also comes with its own set of challenges. We'll explore what it really means to be your own boss – making your own rules and calling the shots in your business. But, let's not forget, the journey of an entrepreneur is all about grabbing those chances and trying out different things to hit it big.

Join me as I share my own stories and draw inspiration from people who live life like I do. I'll talk about folks who've nailed the whole work-life balance thing, juggling family, personal time, and their business dreams. We'll also dive into why it's so important to take advice from people who get your lifestyle, instead of just those who've made it big in a totally different way.

Today, we talk about freedom, agency, and autonomy.

This episode is sponsored by Acquire.com

The blog post: https://thebootstrappedfounder.com/freedom-vs-autonomy/

The podcast episode: https://tbf.fm/episodes/273-freedom-vs-autonomy

The video: https://youtu.be/X8m2A3JDiLQ

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My book Zero to Sold: https://zerotosold.com/

My book The Embedded Entrepreneur: https://embeddedentrepreneur.com/

My course Find Your Following: https://findyourfollowing.com

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- Notion (which I use to organize, write, coordinate, and archive my podcast + newsletter): https://affiliate.notion.so/465mv1536drx
- Riverside.fm (that's what I recorded this episode with): https://riverside.fm/?via=arvid
- TweetHunter (for speedy scheduling and writing Tweets): http://tweethunter.io/?via=arvid
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- AudioPen (for taking voice notes and getting amazing summaries): https://audiopen.ai/?aff=PXErZ
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