Every two weeks Bad Voltage delivers an amusing take on technology, Open Source, politics, music, and anything else we think is interesting, as well as interviews and reviews. The show is presented by Jono Bacon, Jeremy Garcia, and Stuart Langridge.

3×55: Don the Mast

February 18, 2023 1:08:27 59.44 MB Downloads: 0

Jeremy Garcia, Jono Bacon, and Stuart Langridge present Bad Voltage, in which we look, as has been threatened a bunch recently, at Mastodon. What’s it all about? Is Mastodon the new Twitter, and is it trying to be? And how far have we got into it?

Also, we’re now on Mastodon! @badvoltage@mastodon.social!

Come chat with us and the community in our Slack channel via https://badvoltage-slack.herokuapp.com/!

News music: Long Live Blind Joe by Robbero, used with attribution.

Thank you to Marius Quabeck and NerdZoom Media for being our audio producers!