The WeMartians Podcast delves into all aspects of the exploration of Mars, including robotic/human spacecraft and rocket engineering, planetary science, astronomy and other upcoming technology. Our episodes are research-supported and feature topical audio clips and special guests.

105 - Icy Flows of Arcadia Planitia (feat. Shannon Hibbard)

August 24, 2021 00:34:45 35.26 MB Downloads: 0

Arcadia Planitia has attracted a lot of attention because of its potential as a human landing site on Mars. It's hidden water reserves, under the surface, are one of many reasons it may be ideal. Geologist Shannon Hibbard joins Jake to talk about the ice underground, and some of the interesting flows she's found.

We talk Ice, Glaciers and Arcadia Planitia

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Immensely Complex and High Risk

Our new design pokes fun at some of the criticism of SpaceX's Starship system. Wear it proudly!