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BFF and Minimals APIs get Darker - .NET 138

November 15, 2022 42:47 31.94 MB Downloads: 0
In this episode we dig into a few technologies that can be used together to great effect. We have discussed Backend for Frontend (BFF) before but in this episode the focus is a bit different. As it turns out, an awesome acronym like BFF gets reused. Setting up a BFF works well with the new minimal APIs that were included in .NET 6. Then we tie everything together with Darker, which is similar to MediatR, but with minimal configuration and features built for BFFs. We had a lot of fun discussing this tech stack with Jonny Olliff-Lee and hope you have just as much fun listening to it. In the episode we ask our listeners to help us with the best way to say BFF. Listen to the episode and let us know on Twitter at @dotnet_Podcast.


