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Using Typing Systems in Ruby with Sorbet ft. Alex Dunae - RUBY 512
August 25, 2021
97.65 MB
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Alex Dunae joins the Rogues to discuss his experience introducing types into an existing codebase using the Sorbet gem and how it saved him and his company time, money, and effort.The conversation covers libraries and tools for working with types in Ruby.Panel
- Charles Max Wood
- Luke Stutters
- Valentino Stoll
- Alex Dunae
- GitHub | Shopify/tapioca
- GitHub | chanzuckerberg/sorbet-rails
- Sorbet Journey, Part 1: Why Add Types to a Rails App
- Sorbet Journey, Part 2: Adding Sorbet to an Existing Ruby Gem
- Sorbet Journey, Part 3: A Typical Day Adding Sorbet to a Rails App
- Sorbet Journey, Part 4: Sorbet Stability
- GORUCO 2017: How to Load 1m Lines of Ruby in 5s by Andrew Metcalf
- Sorbet Compiler: An experimental, ahead-of-time compiler for Ruby
- Join Sorbet on Slack
- Twitter: Alex D ( @MrMrBug )
- Alex- The Architecture of Open Source Applications
- Alex- Sonic Pi
- Alex- HealthFit
- Charles- Xero
- Charles- Level Up | Devchat.tv
- Luke- Alan Kay - Quora
- Valentino- GitHub | tenderlove/analog-terminal-bell
- Valentino- OSH Park
- Valentino- Strange request: What is the loudest clicky keyboard?
- Valentino- IBM Beamspring Sound