Our original panel podcast, Ruby Rogues is a weekly discussion around Ruby, Rails, software development, and the community around Ruby.

RR 455: What's Up, Rogues?

April 14, 2020 45:47 44.17 MB Downloads: 0
JavaScript Remote Conf 2020May 13th to 15th - register now!This episode is a roundup discussion about what the podcast hosts have going on these days. John talks about going freelance working on Ruby, Rails, and React Native. John and Chuck riff on the pros and cons of React Native. Luke then jumps in and talks about a crash-and-burn he ran into with building reports. John sympathizes based on his past experiences. The rest of the show comprises the panel filling in with what they're working on or learning.Panel
  • Charles Max Wood
  • John Epperson
  • Luke Stutters
"The MaxCoders Guide to Finding Your Dream Developer Job" by Charles Max Wood is now available on Amazon. Get Your Copy Today!
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