Our original panel podcast, Ruby Rogues is a weekly discussion around Ruby, Rails, software development, and the community around Ruby.
RR 353: Removing Business Logic from Rails Controllers with Aaron Sumner
March 13, 2018
55.58 MB
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- Charles Max Wood
- David Richards
- Aaron intro
- How to test code without controller tests?
- The cons to controller tests
- Soft deprecation
- If you’re not writing controller tests, what are you writing?
- Get the code out of the controllers and test it in more isolation
- Service objects
- Problem with a controller having a lot of business logic in it
- Rails
- Cons of service objects
- Using a service object inside of a controller
- Pros of service objects
- Getting smaller can happen step-wise
- Re-architecting should happen gradually not all at once
- When you write a service object, there is a flow to it
- How writing his book impacted his views
- Start small
- And much, much more!
- Everyday Rails
- Everyday Rails Testing with RSpec: A practical approach to test-driven development
- Ruby on Rails
- @EverydayRails
- Everyday Rails GitHub
- Aaron@everydayrails.com
- No code
- Deleting code
- 30 for 30 Podcast