Our original panel podcast, Ruby Rogues is a weekly discussion around Ruby, Rails, software development, and the community around Ruby.
RR 319 Machine Learning with Tyler Renelle
July 18, 2017
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RR 319 Machine Learning with Tyler RenelleThis episode of the Ruby Rogues Panel features panelists Charles Max Wood and Dave Kimura. Tyler Renelle, who stops by to talk about machine learning, joins them as a guest. Tyler is the first guest to talk on Adventures in Angular, JavaScript Jabber, and Ruby Rogues. Tune in to find out more about Tyler and machine learning!What is machine learning?Machine learning is a different concept than programmers are used to.There are three phases in computing technology.
- First phase – building computers in the first place but it was hard coded onto the physical computing machinery
- Second phase – programmable computers. Where you can reprogram your computer to do anything. This is the phase where programmers fall.
- Third phase – machine learning falls under this phase.
- Machine Learning Guide Podcast: http://ocdevel.com/podcasts/machine-learning
- The Master Algorithm. https://www.amazon.com/Master-Algorithm-Ultimate-Learning-Machine/dp/0465065708
- Andrew Ng course: coursera.org/machine/learning
- 20-gallon Husky oil free air compressor: http://www.homedepot.com/p/Husky-20-Gal-Vertical-Oil-Free-Electric-Air-Compressor-0332013/207040335
- Twitter T gem: https://rubygems.org/gems/t/versions/2.10.0>
- Ruby Dev Summit: www.rubydevsummit.com
- Rake: https://www.sitepoint.com/rake-automate-things/
- Machine Learning Guide Podcast: http://ocdevel.com/podcasts/machine-learning
- Philosophy of Mind: Brains, Consciousness, and Thinking Machines (The Great Courses): https://www.amazon.com/Great-Courses-Philosophy-Mind/dp/1598034243