Our original panel podcast, Ruby Rogues is a weekly discussion around Ruby, Rails, software development, and the community around Ruby.

275 RR The Evolution of Agile and Evolutionary Design with James Shore

August 31, 2016 1:11:08 68.79 MB Downloads: 0

Rails Remote Conference

1:20 - Introducing James Shore 1:40 - Freelancing and Consulting5:20- Co-opting Agile and the movement away from technology/software16:20- Evolutionary Design in Agile24:15 - Evolutionary Design for Beginners32:30 - Technical Practices and Agile Architecture39:10 - Engineering on a Team Level52:10 - Redesigning Team ResponsibilitiesPicksSandi Metz “The Wrong Abstraction” blog post (Sam) Why Are Computers podcast by Tom Stewart (Sam) Netstat (Jess) Wood Badge (Charles) Remember the Titans (Charles) Rick Sheridan’s Agile India talk (James) Liftoff by Diana Larsen and Ainsley Nies (James)Special Guest: James Shore.