Our original panel podcast, Ruby Rogues is a weekly discussion around Ruby, Rails, software development, and the community around Ruby.
233 RR Onboarding New Employees
November 11, 2015
53.78 MB
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02:36 - Responsibility and Communication
Darkest Dungeon (Avdi)
imprint (Coraline)
The surprising truth about which personality traits do and don't correlate with computer programming skills (Coraline)
TALON Bluetooth Wireless Headphones (Jessica)
The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy by Jeanne Birdsall (Jessica)
Reading to your kids (Chuck)
LinkedIn (Chuck)
RubyTapas (Chuck)
Elixir Sips (Chuck)
Avdi's Newsletter (Avdi)
- Slack
- “Ask Anything”
Darkest Dungeon (Avdi)
imprint (Coraline)
The surprising truth about which personality traits do and don't correlate with computer programming skills (Coraline)
TALON Bluetooth Wireless Headphones (Jessica)
The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy by Jeanne Birdsall (Jessica)
Reading to your kids (Chuck)
LinkedIn (Chuck)
RubyTapas (Chuck)
Elixir Sips (Chuck)
Avdi's Newsletter (Avdi)