A podcast on data and how it affects our lives — with Enrico Bertini and Moritz Stefaner
042 | Santiago Ortiz
Hey folks we have some news: Now, for the first time, Data Stories has a sponsor. Tableau Software will be sponsoring a number of episodes starting with this one. You will hear the specifics in the audio but this is good news for everyone. The content will not change, but we will be able to create a higher-quality show. And, by the way, we will also be able to pay a fee to our audio editors who have done a lot of free work for us so far (thanks Nathan and Fabricio!)
You can try Tableau following this link: www.tableausoftware.com/datastories.
Hi all, we have the great Santiago Ortiz with us again in this episode.
Santiago builds interactive data visualizations to “get deep insight from data, solve real problems and answer strategic questions.”
If you are an avid DS follower you may recall that we had him on the show in episode 19. In this episode he comes back to talk with us about visualization and data science, how he strives to create value out of his data visualization projects and how he is *not* interested data visualization!
Enjoy the show!
- Lostalgic – Santiago’s visualization of LOST TV show scripts
- Book: The Visual Organization (on how vis is used in companies)
- Tamara Munzner’s design studies web collection (see under the heading “update”)
- Miriah Meyer’s visualization design research
- Book: Data Science for Business
- Book: Python for Data Analysis
- Book: Programming Collective Intelligence