A podcast that explores the historical and cultural relevance of the figure known as the Devil. For many, The Devil is an entity not to be trifled with. He (most often it is a "he" pronoun) has an aim to tempt you away from God. For others, The Devil is a fictitious character carefully designed as propaganda; a scare tactic for the faithful. The consequences of this belief around The Devil have been severe. Antisemitism, the crusades, the inquisition, the witch trials, the Satanic Panic, and even today there is Q'Anon. The Devil is VERY real to many people and in this podcast we will look into how this came to be. You already know The Devil You Know. We are uncovering The Devil You DON'T Know.
BOOK: TOS - Chapter 3: The Gospel of Matthew
Today we are talking the Gospel of Matthew who DEPLOYS THE DEVIL against the Pharisees. As if to say Pfuck the Pfarisees! Continuing with our discussion of Elaine Pagels’ book The Origin of Satan: How Christians Demonized Jews, Pagans, and Heretics, by Elaine Pagels. Chapter 3!
Episode Links:
Religion for Breakfast
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- The Gospels & Acts: Who Wrote The Bible Part 5
- Who Wrote The Bible - Entire Series
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