The most popular shows from the Packet Pushers Podcast Network in one feed. 1-The Weekly Show (network engineering). 2-Priority Queue (even more network engineering). 3-Datanauts (the full IT stack including cloud). 4-Network Break (IT news and analysis from the week). 5-Briefings In Brief (interesting vendor stories in 15 minutes or less).

Kubernetes Unpacked 034: Platform Engineering And Internal Development Platforms On Kubernetes

September 07, 2023 54:41 79.01 MB Downloads: 0
On today's Kubernetes Unpacked, Michael and Kristina catch up with Roberth Strand, Principal Cloud Engineer at Amesto Fortytwo to talk about all things Internal Developer Platform (IDP) on Kubernetes and beyond. Roberth dives into what an IDP is, what it isn’t, and how all engineers should be thinking about IDPs. If you’re interested in diving into platform engineering, this is the perfect episode for you.