The most popular shows from the Packet Pushers Podcast Network in one feed. 1-The Weekly Show (network engineering). 2-Priority Queue (even more network engineering). 3-Datanauts (the full IT stack including cloud). 4-Network Break (IT news and analysis from the week). 5-Briefings In Brief (interesting vendor stories in 15 minutes or less).
Tech Bytes: Pica8 NOS Enables Multi-Vendor Networking To Solve Campus Supply Chain Problems (Sponsored)
May 22, 2023
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Today on the Tech Bytes podcast we speak with sponsor Pica8 about how whitebox networking gives engineers the flexibility to choose the hardware and software that best meets their campus needs. Because Pica8’s network OS can run on multiple hardware platforms, engineers can overcome challenges including supply chain disruptions, end-of-life hardware, and security events.