The most popular shows from the Packet Pushers Podcast Network in one feed. 1-The Weekly Show (network engineering). 2-Priority Queue (even more network engineering). 3-Datanauts (the full IT stack including cloud). 4-Network Break (IT news and analysis from the week). 5-Briefings In Brief (interesting vendor stories in 15 minutes or less).
BiB 081: 128 Technology Rethinks The WAN Router
August 01, 2019
7.55 MB
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128 Technology takes an interesting approach to WAN routing. In this Brief Briefing Ethan Banks and Drew Conry-Murray skim the surface of 128 Technology's approach, which includes stateful sessions, NAT, and encryption--but no tunneling. We also touch on use cases including SD-WAN and security. We also provide links to Networking Field Day videos that have much more detail.