The most popular shows from the Packet Pushers Podcast Network in one feed. 1-The Weekly Show (network engineering). 2-Priority Queue (even more network engineering). 3-Datanauts (the full IT stack including cloud). 4-Network Break (IT news and analysis from the week). 5-Briefings In Brief (interesting vendor stories in 15 minutes or less).

N4N016: Routers Are Not Switches…Are They?

March 06, 2025 51:30 9.59 MB ( 39.84 MB less) Downloads: 0
The line between switches and routers can get a little blurry. On today’s N Is For Networking, we try to clear things up. We start by defining what a router and switch are, and then provide some historical and technical context to better understand the differences. Then we discuss how modern switches have evolved to... Read more »