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“Beaming” people anywhere in the world with David Nussbaum of Proto

March 28, 2024 00:34:49 33.43 MB Downloads: 0

The popular science fiction idea of beaming someone instantly to another location was part of David Nussbaum’s inspiration to design a “holoportation box.” His company, Proto, invented a device the size of a telephone booth that projects a hologram-type image so realistic it appears someone is standing inside...

This week on How I Built This Lab, how Proto’s technology is used today to virtually transport professors, doctors, speakers, and celebrities to classrooms, hospitals, and events around the world. But in the future, David believes Proto’s technology will end up in everyone’s living room—and will transform the way we communicate with each other.

This episode was produced by Casey Herman with music by Ramtin Arablouei.

It was edited by John Isabella with research help from Sam Paulson. Our audio engineer was Neal Rauch.

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