Igalia is an open source consultancy specialised in the development of innovative projects and solutions. Our engineers have expertise in a wide range of technological areas, including browsers and client-side web technologies, graphics pipeline, compilers and virtual machines. We have the most WPE, WebKit, Chromium/Blink and Firefox expertise found in the consulting business, including many reviewers and committers. Igalia designs, develops, customises and optimises GNU/Linux-based solutions for companies across the globe. Our work and contributions are present in many projects such as GStreamer, Mesa 3D, WebKit, Chromium, etc.

Igalia Chats: Magic Piles of Money

December 03, 2024 0:51:37 63.64 MB Downloads: 0
Brian and Eric chat with Robin Bender Ginn, the Executive Director of the OpenJS Foundation, about open source, funding and foundations.