Four total nerds analyze video games in a monthly book club style play-along.

Loop Hero Play Along: Retro Aesthetics (Is Stardew Good?)

May 14, 2023 1:59:03 285.69 MB Downloads: 0

This week, Jake, Payne, and Adam continue to play Loop Hero. The topic of the week is "Retro Asthetics". The boys cover a number of looping video games in honor of the months play along game Loop Hero.

Topics discussed:

  1. Game State, Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake Rumor, Dark and Darker
  2. Bussin backlog, Fallout: New Vegas, Final Fantsy V, Overwatch
  3. Retro Asthetics, Do retro asthrtics make games more fun? Would Stardew Valley have sold as well if it did not use retro graphics?