Flutter Development Experience with Chris Sells

August 27, 2021 00:33:57 32.6 MB Downloads: 0

Chris Sells is a Senior Product Manager at Google on Flutter. Chris is responsible for the end-to-end development experience, as well as tooling, the package ecosystem, and the desktop platform support.

Flutter on the desktop is getting more popular day every day, though it is (unsurprisingly) behind mobile and web in popularity. Flutter's desktop support allows you to compile Flutter source code to a native Windows, macOS, or Linux desktop app.

We also talked about the Flutter Favorite program: The aim of the Flutter Favorite program is to identify packages and plugins that you should first consider when building your app. Chris explained what metrics they consider, how the Flutter Ecosystem Committee works,  and the quality standards that a Flutter Favorite package has to pass.

The outstanding Flutter development experience also relies on the community. Chris highlighted various projects, including detective.dev, Codemagic's improved desktop features, and FlutterFlow.

Chris also shared what his typical day as a Product Manager is like, how usability studies work, and how different packages' ergonomics can be evaluated.

Guest: Chris Sells

Host: Vince Varga

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