Greater Than Code

For a long time, tech culture has focused too narrowly on technical skills; this has resulted in a tech community that too often puts companies and code over people. Greater Than Code is a podcast that invites the voices of people who are not heard from enough in tech: women, people of color, trans and/or queer folks, to talk about the human side of software development and technology. Greater Than Code is providing a vital platform for these conversations, and developing new ideas of what it means to be a technologist beyond just the code. Featuring an ongoing panel of racially and gender diverse tech panelists, the majority of podcast guests so far have been women in tech! We’ve covered topics including imposter syndrome, mental illness, sexuality, unconscious bias and social justice. We also have a major focus on skill sets that tech too often devalues, like team-building, hiring, community organizing, mentorship and empathy. Each episode also includes a transcript. We have an active Slack community that members can join by pledging as little as $1 per month via Patreon. (

285 Episodes
Con Dinero y Salud ¡Así­ Vivo Mejor! Podcast con Yezmin Thomas.

¿Trabajas mucho pero no sabes a dónde se te va el dinero? ¿Te quitan el sueño las preocupaciones por tus deudas? ¿Sientes que tu salud está sufriendo por tanto estrés? ¡Bienvenidos a Así Vivo Mejor! Yo soy Yezmin Thomas, periodista mexicana radicada en Estados Unidos y ganadora de 11 premios regionales Emmy. En mi blog y podcast Así Vivo Mejor encontrarás información y herramientas que te ayuden a aprender cómo administrar el dinero, cómo pagar deudas y cómo ahorrar. Juntos vamos a prender sobre finanzas personales, cómo hacer un presupuesto, hacernos a la idea de vivir sin deudas, y cómo ahorrar para pagar la universidad de nuestros hijos. Además, cómo construír un patrimonio para nuestro futuro. Toma la decisión de cambiar tu vida ya y toma el control de tu dinero y finanzas personales... Porque te aseguro que sabiendo administrar tu dinero vas a vivir con menos estrés y ansiedad y vas a llevar una vida más saludable. ¡Con dinero y salud se vive mejor!

83 Episodes
Esto es Podcast 2.0

¿Quieres crear un podcast o ya lo tienes? En este espacio te doy mis mejores consejos, trucos, técnicas y herramientas para que tu podcast no sea uno más del montón y esté adaptado a la versión 2.0. Tómate solo unos minutos para escuchar lo que te ofrezco y te aseguro que aprenderás de manera sencilla y rápida.

6 Episodes
One Minute Russian

Join Russian teacher Ann as she teaches you the basics of Russian. In this podcast you'll be learning just enough Russian to get by on a holiday or business trip to Russia - and to impress Russian speakers everywhere! Each lesson includes just over one minute of language-learning content, so there's no excuse not to learn! Remember - even a few phrases of a language can help you make friends and enjoy travel more.

13 Episodes
Why Beauty is Truth - A short history of symmetry

Professor Ian Stewart presents a short history of symmetry and how this concept relates to mathematics, physics and the universe around us.

7 Episodes
Inside the Podcast Studio

Behind the scenes interviews with successful Independent Podcasters - to inspire you to take your show to the next level! Each week we dig deep into the backstory, creation process, numbers, revenue and more, with some of the coolest independent podcasters out there. We're talking download numbers, how they actually craft their episodes, how they make money, their biggest mistakes, their top tips to help you take your show to the next level and much much more!

15 Episodes