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A Boutique Accessibility Hotel with Lillian Rafson
July 01, 2021
34.16 MB
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- The total addressable market for this idea is over 16 million individuals in the U.S. alone.
Action Steps:
- Partner with member of the community
- Research applicable grants
- https://www.packupgo.com/
- https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/disabilityandhealth/infographic-disability-impacts-all.html
- https://skift.com/2017/11/16/airbnb-buys-accessible-travel-business-accomable-in-its-latest-acquihire/
- https://www.freedomshowers.com/blog/small-business-funding-for-ada-accessibility-compliance/
Lillian Rafson is the founder of Pack Up + Go, a surprise travel agency.
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