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Headspace Meets Peloton for Parental Well-Being with Dan Burcaw

June 24, 2021 0:38:36 39.1 MB Downloads: 0

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  • Parenting is a secure market! Over 3.5 million births in the US and 140 million worldwide will continue each year.

Action Steps:

  1. This is a great business idea for an aspiring entrepreneur without an idea but that’s nervous about supporting a growing family.
  2. Start with a cohort of expectant parents and partner with a handful of high-profile child development, mindfulness and parenting specialists.
  3. Aim for a subscription service that provides one-step-ahead advice on mindfulness and activities to make parenting easier, less stressful and more fun.
  4. Consider a custom consulting add-on that matches parents with 1-on-1 professional consults on-demand.


Dan Burcaw is currently Co-Founder & CEO of Nami ML, a service that helps you launch, scale, and optimize your mobile app subscription business. He's been an entrepreneur at the forefront o tech since high school. But today he's bringing us an idea about.

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