Being a person is hard, and The Lazy Genius Podcast is here to help you be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don't. From laundry to cooking chicken to making new friends, Kendra is here to welcome you into an easier way.
#202 - Revisiting Your Morning Routine
March 22, 2021
37.38 MB
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I want to revisit the concept of a morning routine, especially in light of still living kind of in a pandemic, and give you one question you can ask yourself - just one - as you think about how your current morning routine is serving you or not. I’ll also share my own current morning routine and its evolution over the last few years.
Helpful Companion Links
- The Lazy Genius Morning Routine from 2018
- The Universal Path to Life-Giving Routine (the original blog post that offers the foundation for any routine)
- My conversation with Erin Moon about morning routines was the most downloaded episode of 2020. Listen to it here.
- Instagram is where I hang out the most online, so I’d love for you to join me over there @thelazygenius.
- If you haven’t read it yet, pick up a copy of The Lazy Genius Way at your favorite bookseller or your local library.
- Our Lazy Genius of the Week is Danielle Barham with her reminder to clear your counters before picking up your groceries.
- Download a transcript of this episode.
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