Being a person is hard, and The Lazy Genius Podcast is here to help you be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don't. From laundry to cooking chicken to making new friends, Kendra is here to welcome you into an easier way.

Bonus: Your Holiday Horror Stories

December 23, 2021 0:00:00 29.96 MB Downloads: 0
A few weeks ago, I posted on Instagram asking for your holiday horror stories. You know, that time you tried to be either super lazy or super genius during the holidays. Here’s a collection of stories for solidarity and encouragement right before the holidays.Oh, and for me, it was the time I had a few friends over for a holiday party, and I thought one was supposed to make a cheese tray for this kind of party.⁠⁠ So I placed Saltines and folded pieces of actual American cheese on a platter and thought I was Martha Stewart. ⁠You guys.⁠ YOU GUYS.Helpful Companion Links - Missing out on the Instagram party? Follow along @thelazygenius.

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