“Skimm This” is a weekly news program that breaks down important stories from the past week and adds context and clarity to answer the questions on your mind. Every Thursday evening.

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Well Played: Olympics Preview, Swimming the Seine, Biles Bounces Back, and Opening Ceremony Ft. Allyson Felix & Sam Mewis

July 25, 2024 0:51:33 9.61 MB ( -9.62 MB less) Downloads: 0

In the first ever episode of Well Played, presented by theSkimm, hosts Amanda Duberman and Blake Lew-Merwin preview the biggest Olympic stories dominating your feeds ahead of the opening ceremony kicking off the games tomorrow.   In this episode of Well Played, we cover:  Swimming in the river Seine: yay or nay?  Team USA denim outfits, and the singular reason Amanda is all about them  How the opening ceremony looks different this year (spoiler alert: it’s floating) What to expect from the US women’s soccer team with former USWNT member, Sam Mewis Why we’re hyped for the return of the GOAT, Simone Biles How the Olympics are becoming more inclusive for mom athletes with guest Allyson Felix Subscribe to Well Played on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you’re listening now.

Breaking the Cycle: Exploring the Educational Impact

November 20, 2023 0:15:54 0.0 MB Downloads: 0

1 in 3 students are chronically absent from school.* One surprising reason? A lack of access to clean clothes. We teamed up with Whirlpool to explore this hidden educational crisis.  For the final episode in our three-part series, our host, psychologist and parent educator Dr. Jazmine McCoy, will cover: how chronic absenteeism impacts a student’s educational growth; the two factors that can determine a child’s success rate – and the most critical grade level to catch regression; how chronic absenteeism affects school funding; and the success of Whirlpool’s Care CountsTM program. In this episode you’ll hear from: Dr. Richard Rende, a developmental science psychologist and researcher; Damon Carraby, the director of national corporate partnerships at Teach For America; McKenzie Roney, the managing director of national corporate partnerships at Teach For America; and Nelly Martinez, senior brand leader at Whirlpool. Sources: *Based on “Monitoring Data Matters Even More: A Review of State Attendance Data Policy and Practice in School Year 2022-23,” updated June 2023. Damon Carraby, [9:45-9:53], based on Care Counts™ program metrics consider only 2022–2023 school year results according to Impact YOY data This miniseries was Skimm’d by Dr. Jazmine McCoy, along with our producers Monica Perry and Lizzy Bryce, and scriptwriter Sarah Title. This episode was created in partnership with Ginni Media.

Breaking the Cycle: School as a Social Environment

November 14, 2023 0:19:30 0.0 MB Downloads: 0

1 in 3 students are chronically absent from school.* One surprising reason? A lack of access to clean clothes. We teamed up with Whirlpool to explore this hidden educational crisis.  For the second episode in our three-part series, our host, psychologist and parent educator Dr. Jazmine McCoy, will cover: how chronic absenteeism affects a student’s social-emotional learning experience; how chronic absenteeism impacts their mental health; and the signs you can look for in your own child. In this episode you’ll hear from: Dr. Richard Rende, a developmental science psychologist and researcher, and McKenzie Roney, the managing director of national corporate partnerships at Teach For America. Sources: *Based on “Monitoring Data Matters Even More: A Review of State Attendance Data Policy and Practice in School Year 2022-23,” updated June 2023. Dr. Jazmine, [2:27 - 2:43], based on “A Theory of Human Motivation” in Psychological Review, 1943. Dr. Rende, [6:16 - 6:28], based on the Department of Education Report "Chronic Absenteeism in the Nation's Schools," updated 2019. Care Counts™ program metrics consider only 2022–2023 school year results according to Impact YOY data. This miniseries was Skimm’d by Dr. Jazmine McCoy, along with our producers Monica Perry and Lizzy Bryce, and scriptwriter Sarah Title. This episode was created in partnership with Ginni Media.

Breaking the Cycle: Exposing a Hidden Educational Crisis

November 07, 2023 0:17:11 0.0 MB Downloads: 0

1 in 3 students are chronically absent from school.* One surprising reason? A lack of access to clean clothes. We teamed up with Whirlpool to explore this hidden educational crisis.  For the first episode in our three-part series, our host, psychologist and parent educator Dr. Jazmine McCoy, will cover: what chronic absenteeism is and why it matters; what typically causes it; and what Whirlpool is doing to help break the cycle. In this episode you’ll hear from: Dr. Richard Rende, a developmental science psychologist and researcher; Damon Carraby, the director of national corporate partnerships at Teach For America; McKenzie Roney, the managing director of national corporate partnerships at Teach For America; and Nelly Cecila Martinez, senior brand leader at Whirlpool. Sources: *Based on “Monitoring Data Matters Even More: A Review of State Attendance Data Policy and Practice in School Year 2022-23,” updated June 2023. Dr. Jazmine, [2:14 - 2:24] based on “Higher Chronic Absenteeism Threatens Academic Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic,” updated October 2023. Dr. Jazmine, [2:24 - 2:28] based on NCEO report “Students with Disabilities and Chronic Absenteeism”. Dr. Rende, [2:33 - 3:02], based on Department of Education Report "Chronic Absenteeism in the Nation's Schools," updated 2019. Dr. Rende, [3:31 - 3:38], Based on “Monitoring Data Matters Even More: A Review of State Attendance Data Policy and Practice in School Year 2022-23,” updated June 2023. This miniseries was Skimm’d by Dr. Jazmine McCoy, along with our producers Monica Perry and Lizzy Bryce, and scriptwriter Sarah Title. This episode was created in partnership with Ginni Media.

Jen Psaki on Working at the White House, Seeking Feedback Throughout Her Career, and Raising Her Kids

November 01, 2023 0:36:04 0.0 MB Downloads: 0

This is an episode of the podcast "9 to 5ish with theSkimm". Listen to the show wherever you get your podcasts. When Jen Psaki became President Obama’s White House Communications Director, she was pregnant. Later, she became President Biden’s Press Secretary, and she had to navigate her role as a mom and as the White House’s chief spokesperson. A big challenge, considering when you work for the president, you’re expected to be on call 24/7. Today, we spoke to Jen about what doing both actually looked like for her – from the hard realities to the help she got along the way.  In this episode, Jen shares:  What a job interview with the president is like  Why she regrets not seeking feedback early in her career Her non-traditional approach to mentoring  What she learned from not getting the job she wanted the first time   How she set boundaries, even when on call 24/7

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Seriously Good News: Making Recess More Accessible

June 20, 2023 0:16:33 0.0 MB Downloads: 0

The news cycle can be exhausting (trust us, we know). But it’s important for all our mental health to take a break from the negativity — even if it’s just for a few minutes. So together with Ford, we set out to find good news to help us do just that.  For the final episode of our three-part mini-series, we feature an elementary school determined to build an accessible playground so all students can play — and they've almost raised $1 million. In this episode, you’ll hear from Betsy Julien, the Minnesota teacher leading this project, and several of her fifth- and sixth-grade students. Plus, hear about some more good news that made us smile. This episode is Skimm’d by Alex Carr and our producers Monica Perry, Pam Segall, and Liz Smith. This episode was created in partnership with Wonder Media Network.

Seriously Good News: The Science Behind A Feel-Good Hit

June 12, 2023 0:19:06 0.0 MB Downloads: 0

The news cycle can be exhausting (trust us, we know). But it’s important for all our mental health to take a break from the negativity — even if it’s just for a few minutes. So together with Ford, we set out to find good news to help us do just that.  For the second episode of our three-part mini-series, we chatted with the artist behind the feel-good viral hit, “If I Were A Fish.” Plus, we asked a music psychologist why songs like this one make us feel so seen.  In this episode, you’ll hear from corook, who wrote the trending tune, and Dr. Susan Rogers, a professor at Berklee College of Music who holds a PhD in music perception and cognition. Plus, hear about some other headlines that made us smile. This episode is Skimm’d by Alex Carr and our producers Monica Perry, Pam Segall, and Liz Smith. This episode was created in partnership with Wonder Media Network.

Seriously Good News: A Restaurant Run By Grandmas

June 05, 2023 0:15:34 0.0 MB Downloads: 0

The news cycle can be exhausting (trust us, we know). But it’s important for all our mental health to take a break from the negativity — even if it’s just for a few minutes. So together with Ford, we set out to find good news to help us do just that.  For the first episode of our three-part mini-series, we visited Enoteca Maria, a Staten Island restaurant where the food is cooked by grandmas — affectionately called “nonnas” — from all around the world. In this episode, you’ll hear from owner Joe Scaravella, resident nonnas Kathy and Anna, and a couple of very satisfied customers. Plus, hear about some other good news that made us smile. This episode is Skimm’d by Alex Carr and our producers Monica Perry, Pam Segall, and Liz Smith. This episode was created in partnership with Wonder Media Network.

Skimm This: State of Women… and Career

May 04, 2023 0:22:26 0.0 MB Downloads: 0

Welcome back to Skimm This. We're back in your feeds to bring you fresh episodes that help you live smarter. This time, instead of weekly episodes, we’ll be dropping miniseries throughout the year that will focus on your wellbeing. And to kick things off, we’re taking a look at the state of women in America, with a series that offers a look into the realities that millennial women in the US face today.  In this final episode, we’re talking about the state of women and their careers.  First up: We’ll start with the data – and why women are concerned about career setbacks Then: We’ll explain how women are taking action to shore up their careers, despite being weighed down by societal norms and economic realities Finally: We interviewed an expert about how to start a side-hustle, or secondary income stream On this episode, you’ll hear from:  Jannese Torres, creator and host, Yo Quiero Dinero Want more Skimm?  Sign up for our free daily newsletter Subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts Listen to our other podcast, 9 to 5ish with theSkimm Skimm'd by Alex Carr, Andrew Callaway, Elie McAfee Hahn.

Skimm This: State of Women… and Health

April 27, 2023 0:28:24 0.0 MB Downloads: 0

Welcome back to Skimm This. We're back in your feeds to bring you fresh episodes that help you live smarter. This time, instead of weekly episodes, we’ll be dropping miniseries throughout the year that will focus on your wellbeing. And to kick things off, we’re taking a look at the state of women in America, with a series that offers a look into the realities that millennial women in the US face today.  In this third episode, we’re talking about the state of women and their health.  First up: We’ll start with the data – and why women’s well-being is in crisis Then: We’ll explain how women are starting to advocate for their health in order to navigate a broken system Later: We interviewed an expert about how you can advocate for yourself before, during, and after your appointments  Finally: We’ve got a script you can use to find a therapist P.S. Learn more about the different types of therapy here.  On this episode, you’ll hear from:  LaTasha Seliby Perkins, physician, assistant professor of medicine, Georgetown University School of Medicine Want more Skimm?  Sign up for our free daily newsletter Subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts Listen to our other podcast, 9 to 5ish with theSkimm Skimm'd by Alex Carr, Andrew Callaway, Elie McAfee Hahn.

Skimm This: State of Women… and Money

April 20, 2023 0:27:31 0.0 MB Downloads: 0

Welcome back to Skimm This. We're back in your feeds to bring you fresh episodes that help you live smarter. This time, instead of weekly episodes, we’ll be dropping miniseries throughout the year that will focus on your wellbeing. And to kick things off, we’re taking a look at the state of women in America, with a series that offers a look into the realities that millennial women in the US face today.  In this second episode, we’re talking about the state of women and money.  First up: We’ll start with the data, and explain how women are feeling about their finances right now  Then: We’ll explain how women are securing their financial futures, despite a rocky economy Later: We interviewed an expert about how women can create a more resilient financial future by paying off their debt, and freeing themselves of financial shame Finally: We’ve got a script you can use if you’re thinking about hiring a financial planner P.S. Learn more about different types of financial pros here. And here’s a useful debt tracker.  On this episode, you’ll hear from:  Ashley Feinstein Gerstley, founder of the Fiscal Femme Want more Skimm?  Sign up for our free daily newsletter Subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts Listen to our other podcast, 9 to 5ish with theSkimm Skimm'd by Alex Carr, Andrew Callaway, Elie McAfee Hahn.

Skimm This: State of Women... and Society

April 13, 2023 0:26:01 0.0 MB Downloads: 0

Welcome back to Skimm This. We're back in your feeds to bring you fresh episodes that help you live smarter. This time, instead of weekly episodes, we’ll be dropping miniseries throughout the year that will focus on your wellbeing. And to kick things off, we’re taking about the state of women in America, with a series that will offer a look into the realities that millennial women in the US face today.  In this first episode, we’re talking about the state of women and society.  First up: We’ll start with the data – and why 74% of millennial women agree, “Society treats women like second-class citizens” Then: We’ll explain how women are starting to reclaim their power, and rewrite the rules of being a woman in America  Later: We interviewed an expert about how you can start to reclaim your time, and rebalance the invisible labor at home Finally: We’ve got a script you can use to delegate your responsibilities at home P.S. Send this to a man.  On this episode, you’ll hear from:  Eve Rodsky, New York Times bestselling author  Want more Skimm?  Sign up for our free daily newsletter Subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts Listen to our other podcast, 9 to 5ish with theSkimm Skimm'd by Alex Carr, Andrew Callaway, and Elie McAfee Hahn.

A Final Sign Off for Skimm This, But Not a Goodbye

January 19, 2023 0:02:17 0.0 MB Downloads: 0

We’re back in your feed after a week off with…some news. But it’s not the news of the week, which we’ve been bringing you since 2019. It’s actually some personal news. After four amazing years, one pandemic, 451 episodes, and hundreds of interviews with some of the biggest newsmakers and experts, we’re reimagining this podcast feed. So we’re going to be taking some time away from the mic while we put that into motion.   We’ve loved being there for you through the world’s craziest and most confusing moments, and helping you navigate every stage of your life, from taxes to toddlers. And we’re excited to bring you more in the future. So, stay tuned.  In the meantime, for more Skimm, you can check out:  theskimm.com  The Daily Skimm newsletter  theSkimm on Instagram and TikTok

One Way or Another: Kevin McCarthy, Abortion Pills, Being Happier

January 05, 2023 0:38:47 0.0 MB Downloads: 0

First: The GOP can’t seem to get their House in order. Between a fight over who should be Speaker, and a congressman elect’s sketchy past, the 118th Congress got off to a rocky start. We’ll break it down.  Next: We’ve got the context on the other major stories from the week – including an update on Buffalo Bills’ safety Damar Hamlin and a major change for abortion pill access. Plus the latest on the atmospheric river turning the West Coast…into a literal river.  Then: Every year, The Economist releases an issue filled with their biggest predictions for 2023. We sat down with its deputy editor to get an inside look on what to expect from 2023. And PS: it’s not all bad news.  Finally: We’re taking a look at one New Year’s resolution we can all get behind: being happier. We’re asking an expert to tell us four small changes we can make to actually feel happier.  On this episode, you’ll hear from:  Tom Standage, Deputy Editor, The Economist Dr. Marisa Franco, Psychologist, Professor at the University of Maryland Want more Skimm?  Sign up for our free daily newsletter Email us your questions about what’s going on in the news right now  Subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts Skimm'd by Alex Carr, Will Livingston, and Blake Lew-Merwin. We had additional help from Alaisha Key. Engineered by Elie McAfee-Hahn and Andrew Callaway. TheSkimm’s head of audio is Graelyn Brashear.

Sweater Weather: Arctic Blast, January 6th Report, Listening Back on 2022

December 22, 2022 0:33:04 0.0 MB Downloads: 0

First: We’ve got the context on the week’s biggest headlines – from how to travel safely during this weekend’s bomb cyclone to President Zelensky’s visit on Capitol Hill. Plus, an update on Elon Musk’s future at Twitter. Then: The January 6th committee dropped its final report, wrapping up a year of hearings and investigations. We’re saving you the reading and skimming the three things you need to know about what they found. Finally: 2022 was a busy year. From the Russian invasion of Ukraine and an FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago, to Serena Williams retiring and a bombshell royal exposé. We’re listening back to all of it by ending our final show of 2022 with the year in sound.  Want more Skimm?  Sign up for our free daily newsletter Email us your questions about what’s going on in the news right now  Subscribe and leave us a review wherever you get your podcasts Skimm'd by Alex Carr, Will Livingston, and Blake Lew-Merwin. We had additional help from Alaisha Key. Engineered by Elie McAfee-Hahn and Andrew Callaway. TheSkimm’s head of audio is Graelyn Brashear.