”Parle, pense, vis en français et découvre d‘autres horizons”. Hello, I‘m Katy Beauvais, native French as a Foreign Language Instructor. I feel passionate about languages myself and I speak 5 languages. This podcast will be entirely in French as it‘s dedicated to Intermediate and Advanced French students. You‘ll immerse yourself in authentic French and I‘ll help you improve your Language skills in context, through comprehensible input, in an enjoyable, relaxing, creative and inspiring way. We‘ll talk about everyday life in France, French Language and Culture but also about language learning and travelling. Follow my everyday life in France on Instagram http://instagram.com/thefrenchinstinct/ Check my website for more info about my free resources or to get in touch with me http://thefrenchinstinct.com/ I hold a Master‘s Degree in second language acquisition, with emphasis on French teaching, and another one in Spanish.

97. Quand j’étais gamine - Souvenir de Noël🎄- Christmas in everyday spoken French

December 15, 2023 08:21 12.02 MB Downloads: 0
  • Pour télécharger⬇️ le fichier pdf du souvenir de Noël à l'imparfait et voir la vidéo, inscris-toi à mon info-bulle💌 (ma newsletter) : https://thefrenchinstinct.fr/  Je t'envoie le lien par mail. Le fichier est disponible uniquement jusqu'au 31 décembre 2023. 
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