The Official AWS Podcast is a podcast for developers and IT professionals looking for the latest news and trends in storage, security, infrastructure, serverless, and more. Join Simon Elisha and Nicki Stone for regular updates, deep dives, and interviews. Whether you’re training machine learning models, developing open source projects, or building cloud solutions, the AWS Official Podcast has something for you.

#677: High performance computing in HSI

July 22, 2024 00:24:36 35.77 MB Downloads: 0
Join Simon as he discusses the use of high-performance computing (HPC) in the financial services industry, particularly for risk modeling and regulatory reporting. Alex Kimber, a principal technologist at AWS, explains how financial firms leverage HPC to run millions of scenarios to measure and manage risks like credit, market, and actuarial risks. The workloads are "embarrassingly parallel," allowing for massive scalability in the cloud. Kimber also discusses AWS services and architectures that enable these HPC workloads, including the HTC Grid, a blueprint for a simple, high-throughput scheduler on AWS.