Alacarta ( Radio Marca Barcelona 89.1 Fm 📻 )

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2820 Episodes

Created by three guys who love BSD, we cover the latest news and have an extensive series of tutorials, as well as interviews with various people from all areas of the BSD community. It also serves as a platform for support and questions. We love and advocate FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFlyBSD and TrueOS. Our show aims to be helpful and informative for new users that want to learn about them, but still be entertaining for the people who are already pros. The show airs on Wednesdays at 2:00PM (US Eastern time) and the edited version is usually up the following day.

361 Episodes
Hacker And The Fed

Former FBI Special Agent Chris Tarbell and ex-Anonymous/LulzSec blackhat hacker Hector Monsegur (aka Sabu) faced off as adversaries in cyberspace before becoming close friends and podcast co-hosts. Listen to Tarbell, co-founder of the elite cybersecurity firm NAXO, and Monsegur, a top network penetration tester and security engineer, break down the must-know cybersecurity news and topics of the week. You’ll walk away from each episode with unique perspectives on keeping your family, your company, and yourself safe from cyber attacks.

70 Episodes
SANS Internet Stormcenter Daily Cyber Security Podcast (Stormcast)

A brief daily summary of what is important in information security. The podcast is published every weekday and designed to get you ready for the day with a brief, usually 5 minute long, summary of current network security related events. The content is late breaking, educational and based on listener input as well as on input received by the SANS Internet Stormcenter. You may submit questions and comments via our contact form at .

4181 Episodes
La Pizarra de Quintana

La Pizarra de Quintana llega a las tardes de Radio MARCA. Dirigido por Miguel Quintana y co-presentado por Alex de Llano y Adrián Blanco, este nuevo espacio pretende ofrecer un enfoque diferente del deporte más visto, debatido y sufrido del mundo cada tarde de 16:00 a 19:00 y de lunes a viernes.

2591 Episodes
Late Night Linux All Episodes

All episodes from Late Night Linux, Linux Downtime, and Linux After Dark.

662 Episodes
Still To Be Determined

Join Matt Ferrell from the YouTube Channel, Undecided, and his brother Sean Ferrell as they discuss electric vehicles, renewable energy, smart technologies, and how they impact our lives. Still TBD continues the conversation from the Undecided YouTube channel.

255 Episodes
In Machines We Trust

A podcast about the automation of everything. Host Jennifer Strong and the team at MIT Technology Review look at what it means to entrust artificial intelligence with our most sensitive decisions.

113 Episodes
Risky Business

Risky Business is a weekly information security podcast featuring news and in-depth interviews with industry luminaries. Launched in February 2007, Risky Business is a must-listen digest for information security pros. With a running time of approximately 50-60 minutes, Risky Business is pacy; a security podcast without the waffle.

278 Episodes
Tech Café

Restez informé de l’actualité des nouvelles technologies ! Chaque semaine on fait le point avec des analyses et des regards critiques !

494 Episodes
Thinking Elixir Podcast

The Thinking Elixir podcast is a weekly show where we talk about the Elixir programming language and the community around it. We cover news and interview guests to learn more about projects and developments in the community.

241 Episodes
The Vergecast

Hello! This is The Vergecast, the flagship podcast of The Verge... and your life. Every Friday, Nilay Patel and Dieter Bohn make sense of the week's tech news with help from our wide-ranging staff. Join us every week for a fun, deeply nerdy, often off-the-rails conversation about what's happening now (and next) in technology and gadgets.

855 Episodes
AWS Podcast

The Official AWS Podcast is a podcast for developers and IT professionals looking for the latest news and trends in storage, security, infrastructure, serverless, and more. Join Simon Elisha and Nicki Stone for regular updates, deep dives, and interviews. Whether you’re training machine learning models, developing open source projects, or building cloud solutions, the AWS Official Podcast has something for you.

577 Episodes
El Siglo 21 es Hoy

Un pódcast a fondo sobre tecnología, ciencia y entretenimiento (no siempre en ese orden). Ganador de 2 Latin Podcast Awards y del Premio Nacional de Periodismo CPB 2022. Los episodios de este pódcast son monólogos divertidos para aprender sobre gadgets, apps, consejos tecnológicos, series en Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO Max, Disney+, Star+; y aplicativos para Android y para iOS. Y mucho de Apple, Android, Windows y Chromium. También ciencias, astronomía y satélites con tono entretenido. El pódcast "El Siglo 21 es Hoy" se publica desde Bogotá, y casi siempre incluye el paisaje sonoro espontáneo de la ciudad. Por favor usa auriculares para disfrutar el paisaje sonoro. Es presentado por Félix Riaño, @LocutorCo hablando en tono familiar sobre la vida cotidiana llena de tecnología para productividad y entretenimiento. Félix es el mismo que habla de noticias en El Primer Café de El Tiempo y Spotify Studios. Ese es él en su faceta más seria. Allá habla de noticias de actualidad y aquí habla de todo lo que aprende de series, astronomía, apps y tecnología. ¡Manda tus comentarios aquí o en !

1097 Episodes
LINUX Unplugged

An open show powered by community LINUX Unplugged takes the best attributes of open collaboration and turns it into a weekly show about Linux.

601 Episodes