Deconstructing Media with No Agenda, by Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak
1531 - "Dead Name"
No Agenda Episode 1531 - "Dead Name"
"Dead Name"
Executive Producers:
Countess Kim Keeper of the nutty fluffers
Dame Delphinium Jesser -GoFundMe
Sir Nacho Alcatraz
Brock Robinson
Sir Dirty Jersey Whore of The East Texas Piney Woods
Agnes Balog
Sir & Dame Scott & Elizabeth Vervynck
Associate Executive Producers:
Vicky Atkinson
Wirt Fuller
Sir Jeremy Chum-Phatti
Bradley Fox
Corey Tibbetts
Kristie Barnett
Sir Eric
Become a member of the 1532 Club, support the show here
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Title Changes
Viscountess > Countess Kim Keep of the nutty fluffers
Knights & Dames
Jessica Staszak Abitz> Dame Delphinium Jesser
The Dirty Jersey Whore > Sir Dirty Jersey Whore of The East Texas Piney Woods
Art By: Nessworks - newworks@getalby.com
End of Show Mixes: Brain Data - Robert Szolnicki - Tom Starkweather - Rolando Gonzalez - Sir Michaelanthony - Sound Guy Steve
Engineering, Stream Management & Wizardry
Mark van Dijk - Systems Master
Ryan Bemrose - Program Director
Back Office Jae Dvorak
Chapters: Dreb Scott
Clip Custodian: Neal Jones
NEW: and soon on Netflix: Animated No Agenda
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