Deconstructing Media with No Agenda, by Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak
1535 - "Podspeeding"
No Agenda Episode 1535 - "Podspeeding"
Executive Producers:
Sir Onymous of Dogpatch and lower Slobbovia
Dreb Scott, Duke of the Southern California MegaRegion
Sir Mike of The Great Katy Prairie
Sir Data Man of the Rock Hard Greens
Sir Don Francis, Baronet of Chandler
Sir Dilsaver
Ross Iudica
Forest Dukes
Beth Kellogg
Iñaki Esparza Elorriaga
Adam X
Sir Hope Report
Rebecca Watters
Sean Brown
Sir Kevin Mclaughlin
Associate Executive Producers:
Kathryn Boudreau
Cody the Black Metal Cowboy
Sir Lucas
Bryan Taylor
Garritt Hampton
Zadoc Brown Iii
Todd Voss
1535 Club Members:
Dreb Scott, Duke of the Southern California MegaRegion
Become a member of the 1536 Club, support the show here
Boost us with with Podcasting 2.0 Certified apps: Podverse - Podfriend - Breez - Sphinx - Podstation - Curiocaster - Fountain
Title Changes
Sir Don Francis > Sir Don Francis, Baronet of Chandler
Knights & Dames
Mike Chinni > Sir Mike of The Great Katy Prairie
The best man in the entire universe > Data Man of the Rock Hard Greens
End of Show Mixes: Tom Starkweather - Maty J - Rolando Gonzalez
Engineering, Stream Management & Wizardry
Mark van Dijk - Systems Master
Ryan Bemrose - Program Director
Back Office Jae Dvorak
Chapters: Dreb Scott
Clip Custodian: Neal Jones
NEW: and soon on Netflix: Animated No Agenda
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Directory Archive of Shownotes (includes all audio and video assets used) archive.noagendanotes.com
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