PodRocket covers everything you need to know about frontend web development on a weekly basis. Join LogRocket cofounder Ben Edelstein, Director of Content Brian Neville-O'Neill, and PodRocket producer Kate Trahan, as they interview experienced developers about all the libraries, frameworks, and tech industry issues they deal with every day.

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Vite's past, present and future with Matias Capeletto (Repeat)

June 19, 2024 43:50 64.31 MB Downloads: 0

In this repeat episode, Matias Capeletto, Vite core team member, discusses Vite's history, development process, and its impact on the web development ecosystem, exploring future developments and its current state. Links https://vitejs.dev https://www.linkedin.com/in/matiascapeletto https://github.com/patak-dev https://patak.dev https://twitter.com/patak_dev https://m.webtoo.ls/@patak We want to hear from you! How did you find us? Did you see us on Twitter? In a newsletter? Or maybe we were recommended by a friend? Let us know by sending an email to our producer, Emily, at emily.kochanekketner@logrocket.com (mailto:emily.kochanekketner@logrocket.com), or tweet at us at PodRocketPod (https://twitter.com/PodRocketpod). Follow us. Get free stickers. Follow us on Apple Podcasts, fill out this form (https://podrocket.logrocket.com/get-podrocket-stickers), and we’ll send you free PodRocket stickers! What does LogRocket do? LogRocket combines frontend monitoring, product analytics, and session replay to help software teams deliver the ideal product experience. Try LogRocket for free today. (https://logrocket.com/signup/?pdr) Special Guest: Matias Capeletto.

50 shades of React rendering in Next.js with Ben Ilegbodu

June 12, 2024 27:02 40.12 MB Downloads: 0

Ben Ilegbodu, a front-end tech lead at Netflix, explains React rendering in Next.js, covering various rendering strategies. He also discusses the transition from the Pages Router to the App Router. Show Note: At 18:45, Ben discusses how using React Server Components is easy for folks just coming to Next.js, but (for those who have been using Next.js) it could be difficult. However, the remark in parenthesis was unintentionally cut in the editing process, causing the statement to lose its intended context. Links https://www.benmvp.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/benmvp https://x.com/benmvp https://github.com/benmvp We want to hear from you! How did you find us? Did you see us on Twitter? In a newsletter? Or maybe we were recommended by a friend? Let us know by sending an email to our producer, Emily, at emily.kochanekketner@logrocket.com (mailto:emily.kochanekketner@logrocket.com), or tweet at us at PodRocketPod (https://twitter.com/PodRocketpod). Follow us. Get free stickers. Follow us on Apple Podcasts, fill out this form (https://podrocket.logrocket.com/get-podrocket-stickers), and we’ll send you free PodRocket stickers! What does LogRocket do? LogRocket combines frontend monitoring, product analytics, and session replay to help software teams deliver the ideal product experience. Try LogRocket for free today. (https://logrocket.com/signup/?pdr) Special Guest: Ben Ilegbodu.

Mid-year recap, Vercel Ship, and remixing React Router

June 06, 2024 39:40 47.61 MB Downloads: 0

Join Emily and PodRocket hosts Noel and Paul as they revisit predictions from last year, dive into the latest announcements from Vercel Ship including React 19 and Next.js 15, explore the merging of Remix into React Router, and share their hot takes on current industry trends. Links https://www.linkedin.com/in/noel-minchow https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-mikulskis-37a50b4a https://x.com/emily_kochanek https://www.linkedin.com/in/emily-kochanek-11582750/ We want to hear from you! How did you find us? Did you see us on Twitter? In a newsletter? Or maybe we were recommended by a friend? Let us know by sending an email to our producer, Emily, at emily.kochanek@logrocket.com (mailto:emily.kochanek@logrocket.com), or tweet at us at PodRocketPod (https://twitter.com/PodRocketpod). Follow us. Get free stickers. Follow us on Apple Podcasts, fill out this form (https://podrocket.logrocket.com/get-podrocket-stickers), and we’ll send you free PodRocket stickers! What does LogRocket do? LogRocket combines frontend monitoring, product analytics, and session replay to help software teams deliver the ideal product experience. Try LogRocket for free today. (https://logrocket.com/signup/?pdr)

Rethinking frontend architectures with data layers with Max Stoiber [Repeat]

May 29, 2024 36:40 54.32 MB Downloads: 0

On this repeat, we talk to Max Stoiber, Co-founder of Stellate, about his experience working with GraphQL, how devs can understand and manage their data layer, and how to use his open-source project, Fuse, to simplify working in the data layer. Links https://mxstbr.com https://github.com/mxstbr/mxstbr.com https://twitter.com/mxstbr https://linkedin.com/in/mxstbr https://instagram.com/mxstbr https://mxstbr.blog https://www.youtube.com/@MaxStoiber We want to hear from you! How did you find us? Did you see us on Twitter? In a newsletter? Or maybe we were recommended by a friend? Let us know by sending an email to our producer, Emily, at emily.kochanekketner@logrocket.com (mailto:emily.kochanekketner@logrocket.com), or tweet at us at PodRocketPod (https://twitter.com/PodRocketpod). Follow us. Get free stickers. Follow us on Apple Podcasts, fill out this form (https://podrocket.logrocket.com/get-podrocket-stickers), and we’ll send you free PodRocket stickers! What does LogRocket do? LogRocket combines frontend monitoring, product analytics, and session replay to help software teams deliver the ideal product experience. Try LogRocket for free today. (https://logrocket.com/signup/?pdr) Special Guest: Max Stoiber.

Stop Lying to your Users with Kent C. Dodds

May 22, 2024 25:19 30.39 MB Downloads: 0

Kent C. Dodds joins the podcast to discuss common user experience pitfalls in web development, emphasizing the unintentional 'lies' developers tell users through various practices. He covers the necessity for honesty in UI designs, covers some real-world examples, and explores strategies to combat these issues. Links https://kentcdodds.com/ https://twitter.com/kentcdodds https://github.com/kentcdodds https://www.linkedin.com/in/kentcdodds https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz-BYvuntVRt_VpfR6FKXJw https://kentcdodds.com/transparency https://www.epicweb.dev https://epicreact.dev https://www.testingjavascript.com We want to hear from you! How did you find us? Did you see us on Twitter? In a newsletter? Or maybe we were recommended by a friend? Let us know by sending an email to our producer, Emily, at emily.kochanekketner@logrocket.com (mailto:emily.kochanekketner@logrocket.com), or tweet at us at PodRocketPod (https://twitter.com/PodRocketpod). Follow us. Get free stickers. Follow us on Apple Podcasts, fill out this form (https://podrocket.logrocket.com/get-podrocket-stickers), and we’ll send you free PodRocket stickers! What does LogRocket do? LogRocket combines frontend monitoring, product analytics, and session replay to help software teams deliver the ideal product experience. Try LogRocket for free today. (https://logrocket.com/signup/?pdr) Special Guest: Kent C. Dodds.

Visualizing Open Source Data in React with Brian Douglas

May 16, 2024 36:04 53.13 MB Downloads: 0

Brian Douglas, a seasoned consultant and educator, comes on the podcast to talk about the intricacies of visualizing open source data in React. From his journey starting at Netlify to building OpenSauced and engaging with the developer community at GitHub, Brian shares insights on challenges and innovations in data visualization within the React ecosystem. Links https://briandouglas.me https://twitter.com/bdougieYO https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianldouglas https://b.dougie.dev https://youtube.com/@bdougie We want to hear from you! How did you find us? Did you see us on Twitter? In a newsletter? Or maybe we were recommended by a friend? Let us know by sending an email to our producer, Emily, at emily.kochanekketner@logrocket.com (mailto:emily.kochanekketner@logrocket.com), or tweet at us at PodRocketPod (https://twitter.com/PodRocketpod). Follow us. Get free stickers. Follow us on Apple Podcasts, fill out this form (https://podrocket.logrocket.com/get-podrocket-stickers), and we’ll send you free PodRocket stickers! What does LogRocket do? LogRocket combines frontend monitoring, product analytics, and session replay to help software teams deliver the ideal product experience. Try LogRocket for free today. (https://logrocket.com/signup/?pdr) Special Guest: bdougie.