Python Bytes is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken. The show is a short discussion on the headlines and noteworthy news in the Python, developer, and data science space.
#405 Oh Really?
- Briefer: Dashboards and notebooks in a single place
- Introduction to programming with Python
- setup-uv
- HTML for people
- Extras
- Joke
About the show
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Connect with the hosts
- Michael:
- Brian:
- Show:
Join us on YouTube at to be part of the audience. Usually Monday at 10am PT. Older video versions available there too.
Finally, if you want an artisanal, hand-crafted digest of every week of the show notes in email form? Add your name and email to our friends of the show list, we'll never share it.
Michael #1: Briefer: Dashboards and notebooks in a single place
- Notebooks and dashboards with Python, SQL, scheduling, native visualizations, code generation, and more.
- In Briefer, you can:
- Create notebooks and dashboards using Markdown, Python, SQL, and native visualizations.
- Build interactive data apps using inputs, dropdowns, and date pickers.
- Generate code and queries using an AI that understands your database schema and your notebook's context.
- Schedule notebooks and dashboards to run and update periodically.
- Create and test ad-hoc pipelines using writebacks.
- Briefer vs. Traditional BI Tools: Briefer is better than traditional BI tools because it's faster and more flexible, thanks to Python.
- Briefer vs. Traditional Notebooks: In Briefer, you can run SQL queries against connected data sources directly in your notebook. Then, Briefer will automatically turn your query into a data frame and store it in a variable that you can use in your Python blocks.
Brian #2: Introduction to programming with Python
- Jose Blanca
- “Python intro aimed at students with no prior programming experience.”
- “Relies mainly on examples and exercises.”
- “Does not try to cover every detail of the Python language, but just what a beginner might need to start the journey.”
- Tech: “… built with the quarto publishing system complemented by the quarto live extension that allows Python to run in the web browser by using pyodide.”
- Runs on anything, since it doesn’t require a local install of Python
- Running 3.12.1, looks like. Although that’s a bit hidden. Seems like it should be more visible.
Michael #3: setup-uv
- Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with a specific version of uv
- Install a version of uv and add it to PATH
- Cache the installed version of uv to speed up consecutive runs on self-hosted runners
- Register problem matchers for error output
- (Optional) Persist the uv's cache in the GitHub Actions Cache
- (Optional) Verify the checksum of the downloaded uv executable
Brian #4: HTML for people
- Teaching HTML in a rather fun way.
- Includes basic CSS
- A new article: We Must Replace uWSGI With Something Else
- Django unique email login
Joke: So much O’Really