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En terapia con Roberto Rocha
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Historias de Arte en Podcast
En Historias de Arte en Podcast, van a oír todo acerca de sus obras de arte y artistas favoritos. Para nosotras no hay nada más apasionante que investigar y enseñar lo que hay detrás del arte más famoso del mundo, cada episodio es una historia diferente, hablamos de pinturas, artistas, sus fascinantes vidas, como se hicieron famosos, o si no se hicieron famosos en vida, dónde estudiaron, las rivalidades que muchas veces surgieron y surgen entre ellos...en fin, queremos mostrar lo humano de cada obra de arte y que pasen un buen rato. Para muchos, la historia del arte es aburrida, lejana y complicada, este podcast les va a demostrar que no es así. ¡Bienvenidos! WEB: Síguenos en Instagram: @historiasdearte.enpodcast. Twitter: @historiasdeart1 Facebook: historias de arte en podcast
Territorios improbables
Territorios Improbables es un viaje algunos de los lugares más peculiares, más escondidos y, a la vez, más extraordinarios del planeta. Y por las historias que los construyeron.
Rob and Jason are joined by Andreas Kling. They first talk about the Qt 6.0 Release as well as another new C++ podcast that has been announced. They then talk to Andreas Kling about SerenityOS, the C++ Operating System he is building along with others in the Open Source community.
Virtual Teaching and Plenary
Rob and Jason are joined by Patrice Roy. They first talk discuss JeanHeyd Meneide's blog post regarding ABI breakage in C and C++. Then they talk to Patrice Roy about his experience teaching C++ during the COVID pandemic, the first ISO Virtual Plenary and more. Transcript CppCast 277: Virtual Teaching and Plenary from PVS Studio News A Special Kind of Hell - intmax_t in C and C++ Lexy Clion 2020.3 Released Links Some Things C++ Does Right - Patrice Roy - CppCon 2020 Sponsors PVS-Studio. Write #cppcast in the message field on the download page and get one month license PVS-Studio: analyzing pull requests in Azure DevOps using self-hosted agents Why it is important to apply static analysis for open libraries that you add to your project
Virtual Teaching and Plenary
Rob and Jason are joined by Patrice Roy. They first talk discuss JeanHeyd Meneide's blog post regarding ABI breakage in C and C++. Then they talk to Patrice Roy about his experience teaching C++ during the COVID pandemic, the first ISO Virtual Plenary and more.
Networking TS
Rob and Jason are joined by Robert Leahy. They first talk about an open source flappy bird clone and the C++ framework it was built with. Then they talk to Robert Leahy about the Networking TS that will hopefully be a major feature of C++23. Transcript CppCast 276: Networking TS Transcript from PVS Studio News A Small Open Source Game in C++ The C++20 initialization flowchart Error codes are far slower than exceptions Beman Dawes has passed away Links The Networking TS from Scratch: I/O Objects - Robert Leahy - CppCon 2020 N3747 - A Universal Model for Asynchronous Operations P2161 - Remove Default Candidate Executor Sponsors PVS-Studio. Write #cppcast in the message field on the download page and get one month license PVS-Studio: analyzing pull requests in Azure DevOps using self-hosted agents Why it is important to apply static analysis for open libraries that you add to your project Use code JetBrainsForCppCast during checkout at for a 25% discount
Networking TS
Rob and Jason are joined by Robert Leahy. They first talk about an open source flappy bird clone and the C++ framework it was built with. Then they talk to Robert Leahy about the Networking TS that will hopefully be a major feature of C++23.
Fuzz Testing on the GPU
Rob and Jason are joined by Artem Dinaburg and Ryan Eberhardt. They first talk about a new version of CMake that was just released, an interview with Bjarne Stroustrup and another month of new ISO papers. Then they talk to Artem and Ryan who talk about fuzz testing, including a new fuzz testing project being worked at Trail of Bits to enable fuzz testing on the GPU. News Cmake 3.19 available for download How C++ became the invisible foundation for everything, and what's next November Monthly Mailing Links Let's build a high-performance fuzzer with GPUs! The Relevance of Classic Fuzz Testing: Have We Solved This One? Vectorized Emulation: Hardware accelerated taint tracking at 2 trillion instructions per second DeepState - Parameterized Unit Testing Framework MCSema - Tool to translate binaries to LLVM bitcode Remill - Library of CPU instruction semantics Anvill - Tool to make translated bitcode look closer to what a compiler would emit Rellic - Translates LLVM bitcode to C using Clang's AST library Sponsors PVS-Studio. Write #cppcast in the message field on the download page and get one month license PVS-Studio: analyzing pull requests in Azure DevOps using self-hosted agents Why it is important to apply static analysis for open libraries that you add to your project Use code JetBrainsForCppCast during checkout at for a 25% discount
Fuzz Testing on the GPU
Rob and Jason are joined by Artem Dinaburg and Ryan Eberhardt. They first talk about a new version of CMake that was just released, an interview with Bjarne Stroustrup and another month of new ISO papers. Then they talk to Artem and Ryan who talk about fuzz testing, including a new fuzz testing project being worked at Trail of Bits to enable fuzz testing on the GPU.
Concepts and Algorithm Intuition
Rob and Jason are joined by Conor Hoekstra. They first talk about new and updated libraries in Boost and Herb Sutter's trip report covering news from the recent virtual ISO plenary meeting where the first new features were voted into C++23. Then they talk to Conor about some of his recent conference talks on Algorithm Intuition and Concepts vs typeclasses. News Butano: a modern C++ high level engine for the GBA New Boost libraries in v1.75 Trip report: Autumn ISO C++ standards meeting (virtual) Links Conor's Conference Talks ADSP: The Podcast Sponsors PVS-Studio. Write #cppcast in the message field on the download page and get one month license PVS-Studio: analyzing pull requests in Azure DevOps using self-hosted agents Why it is important to apply static analysis for open libraries that you add to your project Use code JetBrainsForCppCast during checkout at for a 25% discount
Concepts and Algorithm Intuition
Rob and Jason are joined by Conor Hoekstra. They first talk about new and updated libraries in Boost and Herb Sutter's trip report covering news from the recent virtual ISO plenary meeting where the first new features were voted into C++23. Then they talk to Conor about some of his recent conference talks on Algorithm Intuition and Concepts vs typeclasses.
Video Games, Robotics and Audio
Rob and Jason are joined by Joël Lamotte. They first talk about C++20 Modules support in GCC and MSVC and a micro benchmarking library. Then they talk to Joël about how he got involved in C++, and his experiences working on indie video games, robotics and his recent transition to the audio industry working on a web assembly powered website. News P0847R5 Deducing This C++20 Modules Compiler Code Under Review, Could still land for GCC 11 Criterion micro-benchmarking library A Tour of C++ Modules in Visual Studio Links Best of Klaim's Music on Soundcloud Glacierbound OST on Soundcloud HomeTeam GameDev Jellynote Sponsors PVS-Studio. Write #cppcast in the message field on the download page and get one month license PVS-Studio: analyzing pull requests in Azure DevOps using self-hosted agents Why it is important to apply static analysis for open libraries that you add to your project Use code JetBrainsForCppCast during checkout at for a 25% discount
Video Games, Robotics and Audio
Rob and Jason are joined by Joël Lamotte. They first talk about C++20 Modules support in GCC and MSVC and a micro benchmarking library. Then they talk to Joël about how he got involved in C++, and his experiences working on indie video games, robotics and his recent transition to the audio industry working on a web assembly powered website.
Unicode Progress and C++/C Study Group
Rob and JeanHeyd are joined by Aaron Ballman and Peter Brett, both members of the ISO C++ committee. They first talk about an extension for Visual Studio and Visual Code for visualizing struct layout and a blog post proposing a safer boolean type. Then they talk about Aaron and Peter about progress being made at virtual ISO meetings and the upcoming virtual Plenary meeting. News StructLayout Visual C++ Extension Fun with Concepts: Do You Even Lift, Bool? Meeting C++: My thoughts on "The... Community?" Links ISO C++ October 2020 Mailing P1787: Declarations and where to find them WG21 SG16 Unicode study group Editing the C Standard Sponsors PVS-Studio. Write #cppcast in the message field on the download page and get one month license PVS-Studio: analyzing pull requests in Azure DevOps using self-hosted agents Why it is important to apply static analysis for open libraries that you add to your project Use code JetBrainsForCppCast during checkout at for a 25% discount
Unicode Progress and C++/C Study Group
Rob and JeanHeyd are joined by Aaron Ballman and Peter Brett, both members of the ISO C++ committee. They first talk about an extension for Visual Studio and Visual Code for visualizing struct layout and a blog post proposing a safer boolean type. Then they talk about Aaron and Peter about progress being made at virtual ISO meetings and the upcoming virtual Plenary meeting.
Rob and Jason are joined by Teresa Johnson from Google. They first discuss the Qt6 beta release and a blog post proposing range_ref, a lightweight view for ranges. Then they talk to Teresa about ThinLTO, the scalable and incremental Link Time Optimization built into LLVM. News Qt 6.0 Beta Released Range_ref Rob and Jason AMA Links ThinLTO CppCon 2017: Teresa Johnson "ThinLTO: Scalable and Incremental Link-Time Optimization" Meeting C++ 2020 - ThinLTO Whole Program Optimization: Past, Present and Future Sponsors PVS-Studio. Write #cppcast in the message field on the download page and get one month license PVS-Studio: analyzing pull requests in Azure DevOps using self-hosted agents Why it is important to apply static analysis for open libraries that you add to your project Use code JetBrainsForCppCast during checkout at for a 25% discount
Rob and Jason are joined by Teresa Johnson from Google. They first discuss the Qt6 beta release and a blog post proposing range_ref, a lightweight view for ranges. Then they talk to Teresa about ThinLTO, the scalable and incremental Link Time Optimization built into LLVM.