Ordinary Vegan Podcast - Are you sick of being sick? Do you want more energy? Do you want to treat yourself with more compassion? Ordinary Vegan addresses all aspects of eating and living healthfully. Each episode addresses commonly asked questions about being vegan, including food, cooking, recipes and nutrition. This unique podcast empowers and inspires the listeners to live a long, healthy life that is also kind to the planet and animals.

Ordinary Vegan Podcast #4: How A Plant-Based Diet Can Help Prevent & Treat Cancer

January 23, 2016 24:07 21.64 MB Downloads: 0

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, and cancer rates are expected to surge 57% worldwide over the next 20 years. Curing cancer is complicated and there are many times of cancer and many ways to be exposed. But many cancers are preventable and can be tackled by addressing lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption and what we discuss in this podcast - nutrition. Discover how cancer can be turned on and turned off with certain foods.